Petition to the European Parliament for Free Elections in Cuba

I was recently encouraged to sign a petition titled “Get out of power Diaz Canel” (Fuera del Poder Miguel Diaz Canel) initiated by Yunier Suárez Rodríguez. The petition will be handed to the European Parliament. It calls for free elections in Cuba and demands that both, Miguel Diaz-Canel and the entire Castro regime leave power.

I see these petitions mostly as means to rally support for a cause, foster a community of freedom activists, multiply voices of condemnation for the Castro regime, make repression visible to the world and convene Cubans, Netizens and pro democracy activists around the world around a single cause: the freedom of Cuba.

Here are my reasons for signing the petition:

Firmo esta petición porque una nación libre, prospera y viable solo puede surgir del derecho de cada uno de nosotros a elegir a nuestros gobernantes en elecciones libres, justas y pluripartidistas. A los cubanos nos quitaron el derecho al voto hace 73 años primero por una dictadura y luego posterior a 1959 por un régimen totalitario. Es hora de que el destino de Cuba este en mano de los cubanos y no de un partido, de una familia o de un individuo. Firmo además esta petición como expresión de absoluto rechazo al régimen opresor responsable de perseguir, encarcelar, acosar, marginar, discriminar y ponerle un pie encima de las libertades de todos los cubanos hace 61 años. 
I am signing this petition because a free, prosperous and viable nation can only emerge from the popular will of its citizens exercised through free, fair and multiparty elections. Cubans were deprived of their right to elect their rulers 73 years ago by a dictatorship and subsequently by an oppressive totalitarian regimen. Cuba´s destiny should rest with the people of Cuba and not be decided by the whim of a single party, a corrupt family or an individual dictator. I am also signing this petition as an expression of total rejection to the oppressive Castro regime responsible for the persecution, imprisonment, forced exile, killing, dehumanization, marginalization and discrimination of the Cuban people.

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