Support for Radio and TV Marti

Democratic Spaces Statement: Defending the Voice of Freedom – Support for Radio and TV Martí. Since its inception in May 1985, Radio and TV Martí have served as the backbone of truthful reporting on Cuba. Radio Martí has not only been an informative window but also a bridge of unity for generations of Cubans who have grown up in a country where the media is monopolized by the ruling regime—used as a tool to indoctrinate, misinform, and manipulate. Its existence has transcended into Cuba’s popular culture, standing as a testament to the people’s resistance against state propaganda.

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Freedom's Martyr: Orlando Zapata Tamayo

Today, February 23, is a day of mourning for those who cherish freedom. We remember a state crime—the death, 15 years ago,  of Orlando Zapata a Cuban activist and political prisoner who spent more than two months on a hunger strike and was denied water for 18 days after being brutally beaten. His executioners were Raúl Castro and Filiberto Hernández Ruiz, the head of Kilo 8 Prison in Camagüey.

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Michael LimaComment
Zelensky’s Warning: Russia’s Troop Buildup in Belarus & Cuba’s Silent Hand in the Conflict

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has sounded the alarm: Russia is preparing to deploy 100,000 troops to Belarus under the guise of military exercises—just as it did before launching its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. He warns that this buildup could be a precursor to an incursion into a NATO country like Poland or Lithuania. But this isn't just about Russia and Belarus. The Cuban regime, Moscow’s closest ally in the Western Hemisphere, is playing a silent yet crucial role in this escalating conflict.

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Michael LimaComment
José Daniel Ferrer: Excarcerated and Unyielding in the Fight for Freedom

Democratic Spaces celebrates the excarceration of José Daniel Ferrer García, a larger-than-life figure, a symbol of resistance, courage, and perseverance in the peaceful, steadfast, and determined struggle for democracy in Cuba—a cause to which he has dedicated 30 years of his life. Since Sunday, July 11, 2021, we have taken great pride in contributing our part to make his plight visible to the world, calling on the Government of Canada and other democratic nations for his release. Through hundreds of campaigns, we have demanded proof of life and justice for him.

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Michael LimaComment
Cuba’s Revolving Door of Repression: Exposing Injustice and U.S. Policy Missteps

The Cuban dictatorship has once again activated its revolving door of repression. Following its January 15 announcement of penal benefits for 553 individuals, Democratic Spaces demands the immediate and unconditional release of over 1,000 political prisoners unjustly detained for exercising fundamental human rights, including freedom of expression, press, and association.

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Michael LimaComment
José Daniel Ferrer: A Symbol of Resilience in Cuba’s Fight for Freedom

José Daniel Ferrer: A Symbol of Resilience in Cuba’s Fight for Freedom highlights the struggle to free Cuban pro-democracy leader José Daniel Ferrer. Despite decades of imprisonment and abuse, Ferrer remains a key advocate for democratic change. A recent Habeas Corpus petition underscores his illegal detention and calls for his immediate release. The campaign has gained global support from the European Parliament, U.S. legislators, and major human rights organizations.

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Cuba's Fight for Freedom: A Call to End Oppression and Injustice

Message to the people of Cuba at a time millions across the island are suffering a brutal and complete violation of their political, civil, economic, and social rights at the hands of a ruling elite that imposes its power by force. Streamed live on Oct 19. 2024 in a Press Conferenced held by the Assembly of Cuban Resistance in Miami, Florida and streamed live via Martí Noticias, Cubanet, ADN Cuba, Radio Republic, and short wave radio given the nation wide outage in Cuba.

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Michael LimaComment
Trudeau & Global Affairs on Cuba's Human Rights and Democracy

Through Democratic Spaces, as part of the Human Rights Coalition, we have submitted questions to Canada's Deputy Foreign Minister David Morrison and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during the Public Hearings of the Inquiry Commission in Ottawa. Why the Government of Canada overlooks Cuba's authoritarian ties with Russia and China? Why Canada’s embassy in Cuba does not engage with peaceful activists, organizations, and independent journalists fighting for democracy?

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Michael LimaComment
IACHR Ongoing Protection for José Daniel Ferrer

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has decided to continue monitoring the precautionary measures granted to José Daniel Ferrer García on November 5, 2012, to protect his life and personal integrity.

Resolution 27/2024, issued on May 6, 2024, highlights Ferrer's current risks in prison, where he has been held since July 11, 2021: isolation, reported physical and psychological torture in appalling conditions, lack of access to medication, and the use of medical attention and medication as leverage by prison authorities, in addition to inadequate food. Urgent action is needed to address these grave violations of human rights. 

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Michael LimaComment
Deciphering the Cuban Regime's Transnational Repression

Over the last decade, hundreds of cases of transnational repression perpetrated by regimes such as China, Russia, Iran, Turkey and others have been documented. However, little attention has been paid to the Cuban case, which is paradoxical given the marked increase in this practice carried out openly by the island's regime in recent years. In this article, I will discuss the growing systematic nature of this practice and contend that it represents a desperate response from the Cuban regime to abruptly curb the rise of activism and democratic mobilization among Cubans in the diaspora. These individuals support their compatriots' calls for democratic change and economic reform in Cuba.

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Michael LimaComment
Dehumanizing Discourse and Repression in Cuba

This essay originally published by Michael Lima in Latinoamerica21 argues there is a direct relationship between the official discourse of intolerance and dehumanization of the other in Cuba and political repression. It concludes by analyzing how this relationship between discourse and repression has a more destructive impact on the individual in Cuba due to their state of defenselessness without access to an independent judicial system to defend against human rights violations by the ruling elite.

Las frases excluyentes para referirse al pensamiento que difiera del oficialismo, el asesinato de la reputación y la agresión verbal y física de los opositores son una constante de los métodos del régimen.

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Michael LimaComment
Cuba's March 2024 Crackdown

Democratic Spaces has compiled a synopsis of repression in Cuba for the month of March, focusing primarily on the regime's response to the protests on March 17th and 18th, along with other repressive actions, their context, and implications, based on reports from various human rights organizations.

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Michael Lima Comment
Aniette Gonzalez: Silenced Activism

On March 26, 2024, the Provincial Court of Camagüey, consisting of Maydel Yadró Hernández, Yaneisy Estrada Robles (Ponente Judge), and Belkis Miranda Pérez, denied Aniette González's appeal, represented by her defense attorney Yanisdey Cruz, against her unjust three-year sentence for the alleged crime of "Offense against national symbols.” At Democratic Spaces, we strongly condemn the ongoing criminalization of peaceful protests in Cuba, and the denial of the appeal filed by Cuban activist Aniette Gonzalez against her unjust three-year prison sentence for the fabricated crime of "Offense against National Symbols."

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Michael LimaComment
Exposing Religious Repression in Cuba

Reports on religious freedoms in Cuba suggest the Cuban regime employs control and surveillance measures to restrict the practice of religious freedom. In 2023, human rights NGOs documented a minimum of 936 instances of such violations. These violations range from hindering the attendance of the Ladies in White and relatives of political prisoners at Sunday masses, to police summons & harassment

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Public protest in Cuba remains heavily suppressed

There are strategic changes in the official narrative of the Cuban dictatorship. Spokespersons of the Cuban regime, for the first time in more than 6 decades, announced a reluctant recognition of the protests in Santiago de Cuba and other places on the island on March 16-18. What we see is a change of repressive façade that responds to the regime’s high degree of unpopularity and the deterioration of its international image

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Cuba Honors Belarusian Official, Canada Sanctions Him for Global Threat

While the Cuban regime awards Viktor Gulevich the the Antonio Maceo Medal in recognition of “extraordinary merits in operations, high combat qualities, or the training and preparation of their command staff, the Government of Canada has included Viktor Vladimirovich Gulevich in the list of members of the Belarusian regime and entities that “constitute a serious breach of international peace and security, leading to a serious international crisis.”

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