Growing support for Alvaro Uribe

Alvaro Uribe Vélez, president of Colombia from 2002 to 2010 and one of the most popular presidents in the country’s recent history obtained support from 21 former Latin American presidents of the IDEA group (‘Democratic Initiative of Spain and Latin America) amidst a decision by the Supreme Court ordering house arrest of the former president.

Assembled under the so called Democratic Initiative of Spain and the Americas (IDEA) the former presidents noted that Uribe had been placed under house arrest within the context of a political controversy with another Colombian senator which has been judicializad.

They said:

The former president had to confront “the forces of drug trafficking in their alliance with the FARC and ELN guerrillas within the framework of democracy and respect for the principle of alternation.”

They also noted,

There are other internal and external actors linked to FARC that now celebrate as an achievement the house arrest of the former president but in the past they defended the release of Jesús Santrich charged with drug trafficking.¨

The former presidents echoed the words of president Ivan Duque:

“Someone who had the highest honour of presiding this country should be able to defend himself in freedom.”


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