Hunger Strike of Human Rights Activists in Cuba

I translated this clip which was part of a larger Press Conference hosted by the Foundation for Pan-American Democracy and Cubadecide today, April 6, 2021. In this video, José Daniel Ferrer is seen in a delicate health condition yet he remains firm in his demands. He said that 30 activists remain in the hunger since it started on March 20. Hunger strike activists have been 18 days in a hunger strike and 23 days surrounded by police.

Ferrer made clear that he will continue with the hunger strike as repression and the police cordon around the main headquarters of UNPACU in Altamira continue. People in extreme poverty are still forbidden from accessing the main headquarters of UNPACU to obtain food, medications and medical care.

On April 5 Dr. Nelva Ortega and Fatima Victoria Ferrer Cantillo were violently arrested when they were on their way to provide medical attention and give an I.V. to another activist in a critical condition.

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