Communist Party Congress and Continuity of Repression in Cuba

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Summary: Day one of the Cuban Communist Party Congress on April 16 has reiterated the regime’s intention to give continuity to repression and criminalization of dissenting voices. A war on social media was declared. All prospects of plurality have been crushed down. Cubans with different views will be persecuted and deny any possibility of protest in public spaces. Raul Castro might be “ stepping down” as First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba but the Castroist & communist system along with all its obsolete and dictatorial aspects continues. Systematic gross human rights violation continue as state policies.

Described as a “Mummies’ Parade” due to the octogenarian age of most of the regime’s old guard (Raúl Castro 89, Machado Ventura, 90, Esteban Lazo, 77, Ramiro Valdés, 88, Guillermo García, 93, Valdés Mesa, 75, Leopoldo Cintra Frías, 79), the 8th Communist Party Congress of Cuba kicked off on April 16 in a conclave at the Palacio de las Convenciones in Havana. Cuban State television has not offered live broadcast of the event, but replays of the speeches. During the so called “Main Report,” Raul Castro gave a speech in which he announced that he will be stepping down as First Party Secretary. Yet he stated that even though retired, he will ¨keep his foot on the bracket,¨a reference to his continued role as a power broker behind the scenes. Raúl Castro might be retiring, but the dictatorial system he established along with his brother Fidel Castro remains intact.

Judging from Raúl Castro’s praise, the successor to this post as First Party Secretary will most likely be Miguel Diaz Canel, an unpopular individual who has been booed by crowds in the streets since he was hand picked as ¨president¨ in 2018. Diaz Canel has faced opened criticism by Cubans on the streets and subsequently he has faced perhaps more open criticism in social media than any other regime official. He lacks ambition and intellect and therefore these traits make it specially appealing to the Castro Espín family.

Hand picked “President” Miguel Diaz Canel and possible successor as First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party.

Hand picked “President” Miguel Diaz Canel and possible successor as First Secretary of the Cuban Communist Party.

Despite apparent ¨changes,¨ things will remain as they with respect to the exercise of power. Real power will continue in the hands of the the Castro Espín family and a small nner circle of generals. The Armed Forces continue amalgamating a great deal of power. In fact, Raul Castro said in his Communist Party Congress Party remarks said that ¨Revolutionary Armed Forces or FAR have not resigned and will never resign to be the soul of the revolution

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Two of the individuals will continue holding a great deal of power and running the regime from behind the scenes. One is Coronel Alejandro Castro Espín, son of Raul Castro and Intelligence Coordinator of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of the Interior. The other is General Luis Alberto Rodríguez López-Callejas, President of GAESA described by the Cuban Studies Institute as a gigantic conglomerate of state and mixed enterprises that manages over 65% of the legal and illegal financial deals of the Cuban Government (highly secret operation), including the Port of Mariel’s developing enterprises, and a distribution partnership with the Colombian and Venezuelan drug cartel.”

8th Communist Party Congress of Cuba. April 16, 2021

As it has been the official discourse of the regime in the past 62 years, Raul Castro blamed imperialism and the embargo for all the nation’s problems while ignoring how the retrograde and repressive nature of the prevailing political system is at the root of all the nation’s problems. He showed willingness to engage in conversations with the United States but refused to initiate steps towards democratic changes and respect for human rights.

A close look at Raúl Castro´s speech suggests the regime’s intention to continue cracking down dissident artists, independent journalists, human rights activists while imposing more gag laws to censor and surveil internet use and social media.


Fragments of Raul Castro’s speech with reference to dissidents, artists, independent journalists. April 16, 2021.

Source: Presenta Raúl Informe Central al 8vo. Congreso del Partido Comunista de Cuba (+Videos), Granma (April 16, 2021)

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War on the San Isidro Movement and Dissident Artists

Abordó también el entorno actual en el cual se ha redoblado el programa de subversión ideológica y cultural dirigido a desprestigiar el modelo socialista de desarrollo y presentándonos como única alternativa la restauración capitalista.

He also talked about the current situation in which ideological and cultural subversion program has intensified with the objetive of discrediting the socialist model of development and presenting capitalism as the only alternative.

Cuba Sentenced to the Dictatorship of a One Party State

La existencia en Cuba de un único partido ha estado y estará siempre en el foco de las campañas del enemigo, empeñado en fragmentar y desunir a los cubanos con los cantos de sirena de la sacrosanta democracia burguesa, partiendo de la antiquísima táctica de divide y vencerás.

The existence in Cuba of a single party has been and will always be at the center of enemy campaigns, that insist t on fragmenting and dividing cubans with Siren´s Songs about the sacrosanct bourgeoise democracy, taking the divisive tactic of divide and conquer as a starting point.

Intolerance, a State Policy

Sostuvo la necesidad de elevar la combatividad e intransigencia revolucionaria y fortalecer su aporte a la labor ideológica, el enfrentamiento a los planes subversivos del enemigo y a la creación y consolidación de valores.

He upheld the need to raise combativity, revolutionary intransigence and strengthen the ideological work, confrontation of the enemy’s subversive plans and the creation and consolidation of values.

Democracy will Destroy the Revolution

Por eso, ratificó, esta unidad debe cuidarse con celo y jamás aceptar la división entre revolucionarios bajo falsos pretextos de mayor democracia, pues ese sería el primer paso para destruir desde adentro la propia Revolución, el socialismo y, por consiguiente, la independencia nacional, y volver a caer bajo el dominio del imperialismo norteamericano.

Unity should be preserved with zeal and never accept division among revolutionaries under false pretext of greater democracy as that would be the first step to destroy the revolution from within, socialism and therefore national sovereignty and to return to American imperialist domination.

Independent Groups Viewed with Suspicious

Se manipulan asuntos de interés para grupos específicos vinculados con la protección de animales, el medio ambiente o manifestaciones artísticas y culturales; todo ello dirigido a desconocer las instituciones existentes.

There has been manipulation of topics for interest groups related with the protection of animals, environment and cultural and artistic expressions. All of it is aimed at disregarding existing institutions.

Justifying the crackdown on Independent Journalists

Denunció que no han dejado de financiarse las acciones de agresión con el uso de las estaciones de radio y televisión asentadas en los Estados Unidos, al tiempo que crece el respaldo monetario para el desarrollo de plataformas de generación de contenidos ideológicos que llaman abiertamente a derrocar a la Revolución.

He denounced that financing of aggressive actions through TV and Radio Stations based in the United States while there is a growing monetary support for the development of platforms with ideological content the openly call to overthrow the revolution.

La mentira, la manipulación y la propagación de noticias falsas ya no conocen límite alguno. Mediante ellas se conforma y se divulga a los cuatro vientos la imagen virtual de Cuba como una sociedad moribunda y sin futuro, a punto de colapsar y dar paso al tan anhelado estallido social, remarcó.

Lies, manipulation and the dissemination of fake news knows no boundaries. Through them, they proclaim to the four winds the virtual image of Cuba as a dying society with no future, about to collapse and in the prelude to the eagerly awaited social outburst, he remarked

No olvidemos que el gobierno de EE.UU. creó el grupo de trabajo sobre internet para Cuba, que aspira a que las redes sociales se conviertan en canales de subversión, creación de redes inalámbricas fuera del control estatal, y la organización de ataques cibernéticos a la infraestructura pública, recordó el General de Ejército.

Let us not forget that the United States created the Internet Working Group on Cuba intended at turning social media into channels of subversion, creation of wireless networks outside state control and organization of cyber attacks of the public infrastructure.

The Fear of Public Protests

Lanzan convocatorias para la realización de manifestaciones en espacios públicos …

They convene protests in public spaces …

An Official Discourse That Ignores Public Discontent.

La contrarrevolución interna, que carece de base social, liderazgo y capacidad organizativa, continúa decreciendo en la cantidad de sus miembros y el número de acciones de impacto social, concentrando su activismo en las redes sociales e internet.

The internal counterrevolution lacks social basis, leadership and organizational capacity. Their membership is decreasing as well as actions with social impact. Their activism is focused on social media and the Internet.

Estamos firmemente convencidos de que las calles los parques y las plazas son de los revolucionarios, y que jamás negaremos a nuestro heroico pueblo el derecho a defender su Revolución, enfatizó.

We are firmly convinced that streets, parks and public squares belong to revolutionaries and we will never deny the people the right to defend the revolution, he said.

War on Dissent as a State Policy.

En consecuencia, fundamentó que la concepción estratégica de Guerra de todo el pueblo mantiene plena vigencia, tal como refrenda el artículo 217 de la Constitución de la República, lo que se traduce en que cada ciudadano conozca y disponga de un medio, un lugar y una forma de lucha contra el enemigo, bajo la dirección del Partido.

He asserted that the strategic conception of the people’s war remains valid as stated in article 217 of the constitution. This means that every citizens should know of a place and a means to fight against the enemy under the Party’s leadership

Repressive Forces responsible for Gross Human Rights Violations Praised by Raul Castro

Acerca de la labor del Ministerio del Interior (MININT), expresó que sus combatientes, en estrecha vinculación con el pueblo, el Partido y las organizaciones de masas, continuaron fortaleciendo la prevención y enfrentamiento a la actividad enemiga, las ilegalidades, la corrupción e indisciplinas sociales.

About the role of the Interior Ministry (MININT) he stated that their members are in close connection with the people, the Party and mass organizations and will continue strengthening the prevention and confrontation with enemy activity, illegality, corruption and social indiscipline.

En los últimos cinco años el Minint alcanzó un nivel superior de organización y cohesión, cuestión en la que es justo reconocer el aporte decisivo del Vicealmirante Julio César Gandarilla Bermejo, miembro del Comité Central del Partido, diputado a la Asamblea Nacional del Poder Popular y Ministro del Interior hasta su fallecimiento, a quien a su brillante hoja de servicio a la Revolución se le añade la correcta y previsora selección y preparación de las nuevas generaciones, que garantizan la continuidad con seguro relevo de la dirección de este organismo.

In his final years in charge, the Interior Ministry achieved a high level of organization and cohesion. On this task it is fair to recognize the key contribution of Vice Admiral Julio César Gandarilla Bermejo, Interior Minister and member of the Party’s Central Committee and deputy to the National Assembly of People´s Power. Until his death, his service to the revolution was exemplary, specially in the preparation of new cadres that guarantee the succession within that institution.