Democratic Spaces raises a voice in solidarity with Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, contemporary cuban artist in a hunger and thirst strike against the brutal repression of the Cuban dictatorship.
Read MoreA report of human rights violations as well as other major social, economic and cultural issues in Cuba during the month of January 2021.
Based on this report, the systematic policy of persecuting and arresting human rights activists continues. In the meantime, the regime is giving incentive to those in charge of repression. Whereas a doctor is paid 48 pesos for a 12 hours shift on emergency duty, an entry level policeman (without completion of high school) is paid 4,000 pesos a month and upon completion of a 5 month course they are promoted to the suboficial rank and receive a salary of 6,690 pesos, in addition to other bonus payments depending on rank and seniority.
Read MoreTres momentos en la historia de la resistencia contra dictaduras comunistas donde el “dialogo” ha servido fundamentalmente como una via esencial para enfrentar al opresor y desenmascarar su regimen ante los medios de comunicación y frente a sus respectivos pueblos.
Read MoreIn Cuba, a country ruled by Latin America´s longest lasting dictatorship and one of the oldest dictatorships worldwide followed by China, North Korea and Saudi Arabia, a group of courageous artists got together in 2016 and decided to question uniformity of thought through the creation of the Museum of Dissidence.
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