Case No. 1/2019: Mocking the judicial system in Cuba

I am glad to have contributed my bit with Luis Manuel Otero and this talented, courageous and creative group of independent artists in Cuba in the translation of this satirical project they called “Case No. 1/2019” (the title is reminiscent of the Ocha trial of 1989). It uses humor as a powerful tool to criticize the anachronistic, Cold War/Soviet styled judicial system in Cuba.

In the words of one of Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara, one of the leading artists/creators, the project intends ¨to show the world that [in Cuba] we live in such level of vulnerability that one day we can wake up facing a 20 year prison sentence or infected with the HIV virus.” [a reference to deliberate inoculation of the virus by the regime as in the case of Cuban scientist Ariel Urquiola].

Each episodes depicts a “show trial” similar to the ones staged by the regime against dissident artists, independent journalists, human rights activists who criticize their arbitrary policies. “It could look as a joke but Cuban reality is a joke.

The arbitrary methods tools depicted in each episode are not “far away from reality,” said Luis Manuel in reference to how easy the regime an prosecute anyone in Cuba based on manipulated photos, false accusations or any means necessary in the context of a judicial system that lacks complete independence from the ruling power elite and the Communist Party.

Episode 2 is titled “Ultraje/Public Scandal.” Comrade Yumilka accuses Luis Manuel or “whoring and prostituting himself with foreigners” Here evidence presented is manipulated and highly subjective, accusations are based on “looks and appearances” and the law is interpreted and carried out as it is suitable to the regime.

The judge in Case No. 1 is depicted as a member of the military and she hands a sentence based on how the defendant looks and dresses and other pre conceived stereotypes.