Protests in Placetas and Morón in Cuba


On August 4, a group of pro democracy activists (members of the Julio Machado Academy) in Placetas, Villa Clara took to the streets to stage a pot-banging [Cacerolazo] protest to demand the end of prolonged power outages.

Arianna López Roque who led the protest said: “Circuit No. 1 in Placetas has been without electricity for ove r6 hours. We have children and elder people who have not eaten food. Neighbours are protesting.” She pointed to a state security agent in the crowd and dennouce him for showing up to silence the protest. She ended by saying “We hold the State Security [police] resposnsible for anything that could happen to the Julio Machado academy members. There are minors here, people are hungry and we demand power to be restored. “

Directorio Democratico reported Arianna’s home was raided by the State security police who took [stole] a printer, a computer, a phone, all yellow clothing and cooking pots. For more information, see Directorio Democrático solidariza con opositores que protestaron en Placetas


On August 6, a man with his wife and minor children in Moron, Ciego de Avila staged a sit in protest in front of the Communist Party Municipal headquarters to demand their right to housing. The Mora family lost their home to a hurricane that hit Ciego de Avila two years ago and were forced to move in to a dwelling at risk of collapsing and in overcrowding conditions as they share it with other families.

They demanded the right to a safe and clean house as their 6 month old child had surgery due to intestinal problems and his conditions require living in a hygienic setting. In the video the father shouts “They [referring to the Communist Party/regime, send the police to repress us.” He also shouted, “They have been lying to me for 1 year and 7 months,” in reference to Communist Party officials.” Eventually the family was taken to meet party officials due to mounting pressure from the protest. For more information, see “Familia Cubana protest frente a sede del Partido Comunista en Morón.”