Cuba Decide: On the Path to Change

The civil initiative Cuba Decide will host an important livestream event on January 27, 2021 at 1 pm titled: “On the Path to Change: Left, Right and Uppercut,” as part of the third cycle of conferences dedicated to examining the visions of members of civil society and opposition in Cuba. The event will also shed light on key proposals on foreign policy and solidarity from the international community from key politicians and officials in European and U.S,, legislative bodies, along with members of the Cuban American community. The event is hosted by Rosa María Payá.

From Cuba, some of the guest speakers include: José Daniel Ferrer, leader of the Patriotic Union of Cuba (UNPACU), Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, (Contemporary artist and main coordinator of the San Isidro Movement) José Díaz Silva and pastor Alayn Toledano among others.

The event will also hear from key members of the international on concrete actions to support independent civil society in Cuba. Dita Charanzova, Vice President of the European Parliament will give a presentation on the Agreement between the European Union and the regime in Cuba.

Guest speakers also include: Valentina Martínez (Popular Party, Spain); Edipcia Dubón (former MP of the Movement for the Sandinista Renovation, congressman Mario Díaz-Balart, Rey Anthony, Director of Communications of the congresswoman María Elvira Salazar; Janet Hernández, activist of the Democratic Party; writer Vanessa García and political scientist Félix Toledo. They will all focus on common themes with respect to solidarity with rights defenders in Cuba.

To attend, visit: Rumbo al Cambio: Izquierda, Derecha y Uppercut

At the conclusion of the event, Rosa María Payá announced the ¨Path Toward Change/Pasos de Cambio,” calling on all activists in Cuba and abroad are invited to submit their proposals to contribute to the establishment of democracy in Cuba.

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