Erin O´Toole And The Cause of Freedom in Cuba

Soon after becoming the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, I wrote a letter to Erin O’Toole asking him to clarify his position about the dictatorship in Cuba.

Even though I had conducted research on Mr. O’Toole’s foreign policy statements in the past two years and found a parliamentary speech where he expressed support for democracy in Venezuela as well as other platforms where he condemns oppressive regimes in China and other parts of the world, I did not find similar pronouncements on he dictatorship in Cuba or his views on those fighting for human rights, freedom and democracy in the island.

Therefore, I wrote him a letter inquiring whether (if elected Prime Minister of Canada) he would publicly support those fighting for freedom and democracy in the island.

More specifically I asked the leader of the Conservative party:

The struggle for freedom in Cuba matters a lot to me as a Cuban Canadian and as a freedom defender. Therefore, I would like to ask you the following question:

If you are elected Prime Minister of Canada, will you publicly speak out against the persecution, harassment and imprisonment of dissidents in Cuba and offer your public support to pro-democracy activists, independent journalists and Cubans inside the island who peacefully fight for democracy, the rule of law and their right to hold free, fair and multi-party elections?

On behalf of Erin O’Toole, the Office of the Official Leader of the Opposition responded by referring to the dictatorship in Cuba as follows:

We recognize that the dictatorship has been responsible for terrible acts of oppression, murder and tyranny.

It is always excellent news to hear that the leader of the official opposition in Canada stands up with the Cuban people in their struggle for human rights, democracy and freedom in Cuba.

The lost decades of opportunity can never be returned, however we can support the Cuban people by defending human rights, the rule of law, freedom and democracy.


Tras ser electo como líder del Partido Conservador de Canadá, le escribí una carta a Erin O’Toole preguntándole su postura sobre la persecución, hostigamiento y encarcelamiento de activistas por los derechos humanos, periodistas independientes y cubanos con ideas diferentes en la isla.

Con anterioridad había revisado las declaraciones de Erin O’Toole sobre política exterior y encontré un discurso en el Parlamento donde el expresa apoyo a la democracia en Venezuela y en otros foros donde condena regímenes opresivos como el de China. Sin embargo, no encontré ningún pronunciamiento especifico sobre la dictadura en Cuba o su postura en relación a los activistas de derechos humanos y sociedad civil independiente que dentro de la isla lucha pacíficamente por la libertad y la democracia en la isla.

Por lo tanto, le escribí una carta preguntándole si (de ser electo Primer Ministro de Canadá) apoyaría públicamente a los cubanos que luchan pacíficamente por la democracia y la libertad en la isla.

En especifico le pregunté lo siguiente:

La lucha por la libertad en Cuba es de gran importancia parA mi como Cubano Canadiense y como defensor de la libertad. Por lo tanto, me gustaría preguntarle lo siguiente:

¿De ser electo Primer Ministro de Canadá, usted se pronunciaría públicamente en contra de la persecución, hostigamiento y encarcelamiento de disidentes en Cuba y ofrecería su apoyo público a los activistas por la democracia, periodistas independientes y cubanos dentro de la isla que luchan pacíficamente por la democracia, el estado de derecho y que abogan por la convocatoria a elecciones libres, justas y pluri-partidistas?

En respuesta, la Oficina del Lider Oficial de la Oposición en Canadá a nombre de Erin O’Toole me describió la dictadura imperante en Cuba de la siguiente forma:

NOsotros reconocemos que la dictadura ha sido responsable de actos terribles de opresión, asesinatos y de tiranía.

Es una excelente noticia que el lider de la oposición en Canadá se pronuncie públicamente en contra de las graves violaciones a los derechos humanos y crímenes de la dictadura imperante en Cuba, al mismo tiempo que manifiesta su apoyo y solidaridad con los que dentro de Cuba luchan por la libertad, la democracia, los derechos humanos y el estado de derecho.

Las décadas perdidas de oportunidades nunca podrán ser recuperadas. sin embargo, podemos apoyar al pueblo de cuba porque defendemos los derechos humanos, el estado de derecho, la libertad y la democracia.


Subject: Canadian Foreign Policy on Cuba - Democracy and Human Rights

Erin O'Toole
House of Commons
Ottawa, ON

K1A 0A6

Dear Mr. O’Toole, 

My name is Michael Lima, I am a Cuban Canadian researcher and human rights activist. Through my website and solidarity project Democratic Spaces, I work with democracy defenders, activists and independent civil society in Canada, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua and around the world. 

I have reviewed some of your remarks on Canadian foreign policy in Latin America and found you have supported the cause of freedom in Venezuela. I congratulate you on this position. 

My inquiry however is with respect to Cuba. As you might be aware, the dictatorship in the island is at the root of the Venezuelan humanitarian crisis and the collapse of democracy and the rule of law in that nation. Likewise, the regime clinging to power in Cuba is responsible for gross human rights violations, criminalization of ideas and the persecution, imprisonment, marginalization and killings of countless Cubans in the past 61 years for the “crime” of thinking differently from the Communist Party and the ruling power elites. 

Unfortunately, I have not found anything related to your views on the struggle for democracy in the island. I only found a tweet you sent on November 23, 2017 criticizing the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s suggestion of integrating the dictatorship in Cuba as part of negotiations with North Korea. 

As a Cuban Canadian I am outraged by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s support and legitimization of the dictatorship in the island. I consider this position immoral and contrary to essential Canadian democratic values as the regime in Cuba is ranked among the top human rights predators worldwide and stands as Latin America’s longest lasting dictatorship.  

The struggle for freedom in Cuba matters a lot to me as a Cuban Canadian and as a freedom defender. Therefore, I would like to ask you the following question:

If you are elected Prime Minister of Canada, will you publicly speak out against the persecution, harassment and imprisonment of dissidents in Cuba and offer your public support to pro-democracy activists, independent journalists and Cubans inside the island who peacefully fight for democracy, the rule of law and their right to hold free, fair and multi-party elections? 

I believe it is time for Canada to hold the dictatorship in Cuba accountable for their repression of those who think differently and speak out publicly in support of democracy defenders in the island. 

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. 


Michael Lima

January 5, 2021

Mr. Michael Lima

Dear Mr. Lima:

On behalf of the Hon. Erin O’Toole, thank you for your correspondence regarding Cuba. We apologize for this delayed response.

Conservatives share your concerns about the Liberal government’s statements on Cuba, particularly their praise of dictator Fidel Castro following his passing. We recognize that the dictatorship has been responsible for terrible acts of oppression, murder and tyranny.

Cuba is a country that is as rich in natural beauty as it is in history. The lost decades of opportunity can never be returned, however we can support the Cuban people by defending human rights, the rule of law, freedom and democracy.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to write.


Correspondence Unit
Office of the Leader of the Official Opposition